Monday, June 27, 2016

Your Flat Abs Plan

Your Flat Abs Plan

One of the most frequent questions that I’m asked is, “How can I get great abs?”

You may have pondered this question at some time or another.

Many people are frustrated by their stomachs, to the point of giving up after doing dozens of crunches with zero improvement.

It’s time to forget everything you’ve heard about how to sculpt your abs.

Quite simply, crunches alone won’t give you a six pack.

Doing crunches with the hope that it will transform your abs from flabby to muscular is to believe in one of the most widely held fitness myths. I’m talking about the spot reduction myth.

Training one area of your body will not specifically burn fat from that spot.

Are you training as if spot reduction worked? Doing dozens of crunches in the hopes that layers of fat will disappear?

Sit-ups, crunches and planks will not flatten your abs.

But a drop in overall body fat will do that for you.

So you want the secret to great abs?

The secret is a winning combination of fat burning cardio, resistance training and clean eating.

It is fully possible for you to dramatically shape up your waistline.

Yes, Y-O-U.

My clients routinely lose weight and transform their bodies. You can do it too.

Answer the following questions to see how your current routine measures up:

How often do you exercise? If your answer was anything less than 4 times a week, then that’s the first thing getting between you and flat abs.

How do you define a fat burning workout? A routine including intense cardiovascular training coupled with effective resistance training. Do you do this?

I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you, but walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes isn’t a fat blasting routine. Neither is a leisurely 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. The truth is that you can dramatically increase your results while investing less time when you exercise right.

Cardio exercise is all about maintaining an effective level of intensity. This doesn’t mean that you should be out of breath or gasping for air. It does mean that you need to push yourself.

Resistance training is the second key part of a fat burning workout. This means working your major muscle groups against resistance in a way that stimulates your metabolism. Again the key here is to find the right intensity and to keep each muscle group guessing.

Do you eat a clean diet? Diet is a big stumbling block for most people—especially as it relates to their midsection. Here’s a fact: If your diet is out of control then your abs will be too. You can’t trim your waist without trimming the junk out of your diet, regardless of how hard you exercise.
  • Keep calories in check. Do you know how many calories you eat? The best way to find out is to record everything you eat for a few days. Tally the number of calories that you eat each day and do an evaluation—feel free to recruit me to help out with this part. Together we’ll chart improvements for your diet and adjust your calories for maximum results.
  • Just say “No” to junk food. While this may seem obvious, your definition of “junk food” may need an alteration. Refined sugar is one of the biggest culprits in the junk food world—it is found in soft drinks, blended coffee drinks, cookies, cakes, packaged snacks, and other sinfully sweet treats. Processed fat is another monster. As a rule of thumb you can safely view all processed or refined items as junk food.
  • Eat more frequently. The key here is to never let your metabolism “crash” by going hours without eating. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to skip breakfast—as this is the meal that ‘breaks the fast’ that your body goes into each night. Stick with eating small meals every few hours and always avoid stuffing yourself.
You should now understand why you are better off not wasting time on crunches—while it is important to exercise your abs a couple of times a week, you won’t expect fat to fall of that area after 100’s of crunches.

Do you want to flatten and sculpt your waist once and for all? Simply decide that you really want it. Commit to yourself—you deserve it.

See me for fat-blasting workouts that deliver results. Together we will get you on a program that will melt the fat off your abs, exposing shape and definition.

Call or email me today to get started.

Dedicated To Your Success,
Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Certified Physique and Figure Trainer Specialist
Certified Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
Certified Underground Strength Coach
Certified Fitranx Instructor
(716) 545-4090

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

7 Habits of Highly Fit People

7 Habits of Highly Fit People

Lots of people ask me how to quickly and easily get fit. While I know they are hoping for a simple answer, the reality is that getting and staying fit is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.
So what do fit people do in their "healthy lifestyle"? Take a peek with the following 7 Habits of Highly Fit People:
Habit #1: They Don't Buy Junk
Fit people know that if they keep junk food in the house it will land on their waist sooner or later. So they don't buy any. Even buying junk food for your kids or spouse is not advised since 1) you'll likely eat some of it eventually, and 2) your loved ones shouldn't be eating that junk either. It's called junk for a reason.
Rid your home of chips, cookies, candy, baked goods, pre-packaged snacks and anything else that belongs in a vending machine. Replace the above with fresh fruit, veggies, nuts and other healthy whole foods snacks.
Habit #2: They Have Priorities
Fit people make exercise a priority. Along with keeping a job, paying the bills and going to the doctor, exercise is an important part of their lives. What I've found is that fit people put exercise before leisure time. Sure, fit people enjoy leisure, but it is scheduled around their workout time.
Treat exercise time with the same importance that you would a business meeting or trip to the dentist.
Habit #3: They Stop When Full
Fit people stop eating when they feel full. Sound simple? It is, but how many times have you stuffed yourself simply to clear your plate? Or how many times have you eaten another piece of cake despite being stuffed?
The next time you feel full, take it as a sign to stop eating. Yes, even if your plate isn't empty.
Habit #4: They Push Themselves
Not only do fit people make time to go to the gym, they challenge themselves during each workout. While it is easy to simply go through the motions while exercising, you're cheating your body out of great results when you don't push yourself. Exercise should make you sweat, make your muscles burn, and leave you with a feeling of accomplishment.
Find ways to make each workout more challenging. For competitive people, the best way to push yourself is to exercise with a friend of similar strength. Another great way to challenge yourself is to set small attainable goals. These goals could be to push heavier weight, to sprint longer, or to do cardio at a higher intensity setting.
Habit #5: They Don't Eat and Watch
Fit people know that eating in front of the T.V. is mindless eating. When your attention is on your entertainment and not on your food, then you'll be less tuned in to what and how much ends up in your mouth. Eating in front of the T.V. is also very habit forming. Ever notice how you crave munchies just as a reflex of sitting in front of the T.V.?
Eat before or after your entertainment and pay attention to what and how much goes into your mouth.
Habit #6: They Drink Water
Fit people drink lots of water. And not just in addition to other beverages, but instead of them. Water is their main drink, while other drinks are occasional treats. Calorie-filled drinks are one of the quickest ways to consume excess calories which quickly turn into fat. Consider water your beverage of choice. Drink plenty of it each day and drink other beverages only a few times each week.
Habit #7: They Are Supported
Fit people don't leave their motivation to chance. They know that if their personal trainer, boot camp instructor or workout partner is waiting for them, then they are less likely to skip a workout. It is so easy to hit snooze or to talk yourself out of the gym as soon as your behind hits the couch after work. Fit people take the option of skipping out of the equation.
Want instant support? Call or email me today to get started on your own customized fitness plan.
I hope that these habits have inspired you to make a change for the fitter in your own life.
If you already do some of these habits then congratulations – you are on your way to a better body. Make an effort to incorporate the rest of the habits to take your results to the next level.
If none, or very few, of these habits describe your lifestyle, then I've got good news – you now have 7 effective new habits to start that will get you some awesome results. Don't try to tackle all 7 at once – pick one or two to add each week and gradually work up to all 7.
As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. I look forward to hearing from you.
Dedicated To Your Success,
Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Certified Physique and Figure Trainer Specialist
Certified Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
Certified Underground Strength Coach
Certified Fitranx Instructor
(716) 545-4090

Monday, June 20, 2016

Take It Off: Your Better Body Plan

Take It Off: Your Better Body Plan

Have you ever seen a really impressive “before” and “after” photo on a weight loss product?

Well, there’s something that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. There is more involved than just the diet product, and it’s the same across the board.

Look into the eyes of any person in their “before” picture and you’ll see that they are deeply disturbed. The body they have is no longer in sync with the body they are able to accept.

They changed the body that they accept, and became disturbed.

Now look into their eyes in the “after” picture – see the sweet satisfaction? They now live in the body that they decided they could accept. What an amazing feeling that is.

Why are you still living life in your “before” body?

Sure, you have obstacles that get in your way – your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from college…but ultimately you have the body that you accept.

I’m going to repeat that so it will really sink in.

You have the body that you accept.

Transform from “Before” to “After”

You may not realize it, but you already posses everything you need to transform your body, and it all starts with taking responsibility for the body that you have today.

You are in your current shape because, until this moment, you’ve been OK with it.

Oh I know you aren’t thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit—but you haven’t changed what you’ll accept.

Here’s how to transform your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Feel Disturbed

It has been said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to personal transformation. Just like those folks in the “before” pictures, to transform your body you must first decide that you can’t live another day in the body you currently have.

Get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons that you’re ready to lose weight and get fit. Get disturbed.

Step Two: Decide What You Want

Without clarity you’ll never get where you want to go. Now that you’re disturbed with the body you have, decide what the body you can accept looks like.

Think in concrete and specific terms. Just like the captions under ‘before” and “after” pictures—“Shannon lost 50 lbs,” “Matt lost 8 inches from his waist,” “Catherine went from a size 20 to a size 4.”

Get a clear picture in your mind of what you’ll look like in your “after” picture and decide what the caption will read.

Step Three: Take Action

The time spent between your inspiration (now) and taking action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action—there is always something that you can do immediately.

Take action by emailing or calling me now to set up a fitness consultation.

I am here to take you from your “before” picture to your “after” picture. What will your “after” caption read?

Dedicated To Your Success,
Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Certified Physique and Figure Trainer Specialist
Certified Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
Certified Underground Strength Coach
Certified Fitranx Instructor
(716) 545-4090

Friday, June 17, 2016

7 Fat Loss Myths Debunked

7 Fat Loss Myths Debunked

Everywhere you turn there’s another headline about how to lose weight and shave off fat. Many of these eye-catching headlines are myths, plain and simple. And if you’re not careful, they can suck you in and spit you out, without helping you lose any weight at all.
What myths are out there waiting to trick you? Here are seven that you’re most likely to come up against.
Fat Loss Myth #1: You Need to Work Out Every Day
A little bit of working out will help you lose a little bit of weight, so a lot will help a lot…right? Possibly. If your “little bit” of working out involves taking a walk from your living room to your mailbox, ramping up to a jog around the neighborhood, then everyday is a good thing. However, if you’re pushing it hard at the gym 5 days a week, adding another two days isn’t a great idea. Not only do you increase your chance for overuse injury, but you don’t give your body time to recover. If your body can’t recover, you can’t get your peak performance every day, making it harder to burn fat.
Fat Loss Myth #2: No Coffee!
For many people, having to drop coffee is unbearable. Fortunately, if you’re a coffee lover and you’re trying to lose weight, you don’t have to give up your hot caffeinated goodness altogether. What you will need to do is cut the sugar and creamer. Once you get used to the taste of black coffee, you may find that drinking a cup half an hour before your workout will actually propel you to your best sessions ever.
Fat Loss Myth #3: Slow Is Better
Slow-moving folks rejoiced at the idea that a slower pace could mean more fat burned. And while moving slower—walking instead of running—may seem more appealing, there is a problem. Because moving at a faster pace and pushing yourself harder will always burn more calories in less time. Of course, if you plan to walk at a moderate pace for three hours, you will burn more than if you sprint 100 yards and call it quits. But if you can sprint 100 yards, walk 20 yards, and then sprint again, repeating the process for an hour, you will easily shed more calories, fat, and pounds, than just going for a walk.
Fat Loss Myth #4: Cardio Is All You Need
Want to lose weight? Good. You’ll need to get some cardiovascular exercise. But don’t buy into the idea that cardio is all you need to lose weight. If you don’t lift weights or do some sort of strength training, your aerobic workouts will eventually work to burn off your muscle as well as fat. In the end, this means less strength and a lower metabolism—both which could lead to an inability to maintain a workout routine.
Fat Loss Myth #5: Your Workout Should Be Killer
Ever feel your workout didn’t work you hard enough? If you’re improving and increasing, don’t sweat it. That’s just a sign that your body is growing stronger and better able to handle whatever you throw at it. While many think a workout isn’t good unless it leaves you unable to stand up straight or lift a book, don’t believe the hype. Pushing your body so hard that you can’t function after a workout may give you mental assurance that you’re working hard, but it’s putting you at extreme risk for extreme injury.
Fat Loss Myth #6: Heat Burns More Slide this one under the heading “Stranger Than Fiction,” but according to research, those hot yoga classes may not be paying off like you expect. Strangely, they found that people who slept in a colder environment increased their weight loss ability substantially more than those who slept in a warmer temperature. Granted, the study involved sleeping and not exercising, but the chill should transfer to your workouts. Get the temp turned down a notch for a month or two and see if there are any changes!
Fat Loss Myth #7: There Are Negative-Calorie Foods
Whether you’ve bought into the myth or not, you’ve likely heard that certain foods—celery is a favorite—burn more calories via digestion than they contain. So if you eat nothing but celery, you’ll burn more calories than you consume, which catapults your weight-loss ability into the heavens. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Celery is low in calories, but you could survive on it if there was no other food available.
Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that will reshape your body and shed that fat once and for all!
Dedicated To Your Success,
Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Certified Physique and Figure Trainer Specialist
Certified Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
Certified Underground Strength Coach
Certified Fitranx Instructor
(716) 545-4090

Thursday, June 16, 2016

7 Excuses That Prevent Weight Loss

7 Excuses That Prevent Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight?
They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don’t? When you boil it down, the answer is quite simple.
The missing link between you and your ideal body is your go-to list of excuses.
Start with an excuse and expect to be excused from losing weight. Here are seven excuses that have ensured dieters will fail in their weight-loss attempts before they ever get started.
Excuse #1: I’ve Always Been Overweight
Here’s a little secret: feeling sorry for yourself will not help you lose weight. Quite the contrary. Whining and crying that you’ve never been thin can actually work against you, as you start to see yourself as stuck being overweight. Do that long enough and all you can see in your future is an overweight you. If you’re going to really cut your weight, you’ve got to be able to envision a lighter you.
Excuse #2: I Worked Out, So I Can Eat Whatever
Working out often makes you hungry. That’s a good thing. You just burned a bunch of calories and your body is looking to make up for them. However, just because you burned a few hundred calories doesn’t mean you get to indulge in any and every food you see. And you certainly can’t eat as much as you want.
Excuse #3: I Don’t Have Time to Exercise
Spend a few days documenting how you use your time. Write down each and every thing you do and how long you do it for. You’ll soon notice how much time you throw in the trash by mindlessly surfing your favorite social media sites and watching television. Transform those times into workout opportunities and toss the time excuse in the trash.
Excuse #4: Exercise Hurts
Some folks are in pain the day after they work out. If this is you and you find yourself feeling like you just rode a horse for three days straight after a workout, the reason is likely that you only hit the gym once a week or every two or three weeks. To get over that uncomfortable soreness after every workout, you’re going to have to go at it at least three times a week. Yes, you’ll still get sore on occasion, but it’ll be an accomplished sore.
Excuse #5: I Love Junk Food
This may seem a hurdle too large to overcome, but if you’re willing to fight for your weight loss, it can be done. To convince yourself that healthy food doesn’t have to be disgusting, spend more time with health-conscious friends who cook and live healthily. Eat what they eat. You’ll be amazed at the wide range of flavors to savor on a healthy diet.
Excuse #6: It’s No Fun Doing It Alone
Then stop trying to diet alone! Grab your healthiest friends and surround yourself with them. When you’re tempted to go off track with your diet or want to skip a workout, call or text your friends for immediate support. They’ll prop you up, remind you of your goals, and encourage you to stay the course.
Excuse #7: My Body Is Delicate
First off, before you start an exercise routine, it’s a good idea to run the idea by your physician. However, unless you have an incredibly rare condition, exercises done with proper technique and eating healthily will not put you at risk for anything but improved health. As soon as you accept the fact that your body can handle much more than you’ve put it through, the sooner you’ll begin enjoying the gym and make better use of your body.
Exercise is a huge part of the equation when it comes to achieving weight loss.
I am passionate about seeing my clients achieve results—without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes.
Call or email me today. I’d love to get you on the exercise program that will change your body and your life for the better.
Dedicated To Your Success,
Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Certified Physique and Figure Trainer Specialist
Certified Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
Certified Underground Strength Coach
Certified Fitranx Instructor
(716) 545-4090

Monday, June 13, 2016

5 Things to do NOW to get ready for Bikini season

5 Things to do NOW to get ready for Bikini season

Spring break has come and gone and summer now looms on the horizon…and with it that dreaded moment when you’ll find yourself shopping for a bathing suit. Don’t fret, if you act now there’s still time to tighten up before hitting the beach.
Do these 5 things NOW to quickly get yourself into bikini shape…
1. Eat more Veggies: Your mom was right, eating vegetables really is a good idea, especially when preparing to shimmy into a bathing suit. Why? There are a couple of reasons. First, veggies are low in calories and high in fiber, which means that you’re filling up without packing on pounds. Second, the vitamins and minerals in fresh vegetables nourish your body and cut down on cravings.
2. Add five Minutes: Each week, between now and your beach debut, I want you to add 5 minutes to your workouts. Just five more minutes. The slight increase from week to week will hardly be noticeable, but the extra fat burn will pay off nicely. Use these extra five minutes to do intense burst of exercise, such as burpees, squat to presses and walking lunges.
3. Double up on Water: Not only will staying extra hydrated help your skin to have a healthy glow, it will also speed up your fat loss efforts. Most of us are walking around in a state of chronic dehydration, which contributes to fatigue, stubborn weight gain and constipation. By drinking more water throughout the day, and by limiting your intake of caffeinated beverages, you’ll become healthier, more radiant, and sexier in that bikini.
4. Eat low Carb (after 4pm): One of the easiest ways to drop a few inches around your waist before the warm weather hits is to eat low carb after 4pm each day. This means eating dinners that are centered around salads and vegetables rather than breads and pastas. If you simply must have your oatmeal or whole grain bread each day, then eat it for breakfast or lunch and give low carb dinners a try. Don’t forget that sugar counts as carbs, so skip that sugary dessert and try a grapefruit for dessert.
5. Train with Me: If you’re not yet one of my beloved clients, then now is the time. I’d love to get you into beach season shape, and to give you the foundation that will keep you lean and healthy for life. Call or email today and we will get you started this week on an exercise program that will get you back in control of your body.
Dedicated To Your Success,
Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Certified Physique and Figure Trainer Specialist
Certified Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
Certified Underground Strength Coach
Certified Fitranx Instructor
(716) 545-4090

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

5 Reasons You Aren't Losing Belly Fat

5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Belly Fat

When you set out to live a healthier, better life, part of your goal was to shed that belly fat that has plagued you all these years. However, try as you may, it sticks around like a bad habit. While extra belly fat is a deterrent to your self-confidence, it comes with an array of serious health dangers as well. From increased risk for cancer to heart disease to diabetes, unwanted belly bulge puts your life at risk every day.
If you’ve been struggling to kiss it goodbye, it may be for one of these five reasons.
Reason #1: Your Mediocre Workout
As long as you can remember, medical experts have recommended you get at least 30 minutes of exercise a few days a week. And for good reason. Much of the industrialized world has cut movement out of their lives in many ways, making it necessary to hit the gym in order to stay fit. However, if you think 30 minutes of light jogging on the treadmill three days a week is going to get rid of that belly fat, think again. To burn the flab, you’ll need to add strength training to your routine. Doing this will add muscle to your frame, which will help burn more pounds of fat. It will also put your muscles where they belong, which helps your belly look flatter.
Reason #2: Your Fork
Getting rid of belly fat can’t only be done in the gym. It requires a lifestyle change that includes being very cautious of what you put in your mouth. That means cutting out the processed foods, saturated fats, and whatever else is likely to cause fat to cling to your midsection. In case you’re curious, that includes too much healthy food also. Remember: everything has calories, and if your body doesn’t use it, it’s got to go somewhere, and your waistline is a likely candidate. But your fork isn’t the only thing that matters. Not drinking enough water is a sure recipe for belly fat. After all, there’s a reason a pudgy front is called a beer belly.
Reason #3: Your Stress Levels
When you feel stressed, it’s because something in your life is going on and you simply can’t let go of it until it’s resolved. Unfortunately, when you don’t let go of stress, fat doesn’t let go of you. It’s due to the chemical cortisol, which is released by your body when you’re facing stress. Harmless as a hormone may seem, this one kicks your appetite into gear and may even make it harder for your body to shed fat. So relax and help your waistline slim down.
Reason #4: Your Sleep Habits
Going to sleep is not exciting. Doing it feels like you’re doing nothing. But when you’re in the battle against the belly bulge, getting quality sleep every night is key. How important is it? When researchers concluded 16 years of research into the health of nearly 70,000 women, they saw that the women who slept five or fewer hours every night were at a 30-percent increased risk for gaining 30 pounds than those who got seven hours of shuteye on a nightly basis.
Reason #5: You’re Aging
This one is the hardest to accept, because there is nothing you can do to avoid getting older. With age, your metabolism drops, making it harder to burn off calories while at rest, but your appetite may not take a plunge. Making weight gain even more likely is the drop in estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men. But don’t think aging means you have to simply accept weight gain.
By sleeping well, eating healthily, working out right, and cutting out stress, you can beat the odds and lose the belly fat that has taunted you, no matter your age. And I’m here to help. Call or email today to get started on an exercise program that will rid you of your belly fat once and for all. I’m here for you.
Dedicated To Your Success,

Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Certified Physique and Figure Trainer Specialist
Certified Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
Certified Underground Strength Coach
Certified Fitranx Instructor
(716) 545-4090